miércoles, 8 de enero de 2020


Read more info HERE

7 comentarios:

  1. In my opinion it`s very sad, a lot of many people have been evacuated and one solution it`s that the all countries help Australia

  2. OMG is terrible whats happen now there
    People in 2020 could stop the contaminaton for stop the climate change because part of that problem is for climate change

  3. think it's terrible I don't understand how that disaster can happen

  4. I think all of us should colaborate with the australian furefighters to solve te problem because id a dangerous situation for the people who is living there

  5. In my opinion what happened in Australia is a horrible thing because anyone has to live those moments, many families have been left without homes, many animals have died, and even these incidents have led lives of the firefighters who did everything they could to control the fires. If we don’t want them to come back, we must contribute and do our bit, so that together we can make a better world and not be so affected by climate change.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
