martes, 18 de febrero de 2020

Click HERE to learn more about this  "job-stealing" robot revolution! At home, offices, schools, nursing homes...Apparently Japan prefers automation rather than immigration as their population ages and the workforce shrinks. Do you think robots will ever become a THREAT for human beings? would you substitute your pet for a robot pet? Would you trust a robot to become your teacher/your police officer/your nurse...?

 (Topic proposed by Verónica, 6ºC)

3 comentarios:

  1. That's true!Japaneses are really lazy,they only invent robots for use them to work!I hope any crazy and lazy japanese creates a robot that destroys the world.Maybe that's never gonna happen but that would be amazing,not because the world destroys,it's because it'll be amazing to see a Terminator-like- robot!

    1. Terminator in real life?! I think it can be a good idea,and more if nobody dies in the process...

  2. Well that's normal.I mean,technology is more advantaged everyday,also,only one person did a robotic arm only with LEGOS.And it even work! And not only robotic arms...There was even more!Guns,cars,houses...All it's possible now with LEGOS and imagination!
