viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2020


Watch the video about the main concerns this year.... share your feelings about going back to school and your main concerns!

4 comentarios:

  1. Going back to class seems good to me because I haven't seen my friends for a long time, although it's not the same since we have to wear masks all the time and we have to be separate, but we will have to adapt.
    On the other hand, my main concerns are that we can catch the virus and have to go home and go back to teaching online as in lockdown, so we have to ve careful.

  2. I think you are all so brave to try to go on with the school life during this specially awkward situation. Well done! both teachers and students, you are all my heroes/heroines!

  3. I think that the youngest kids have to be very confused by this situation,and don't really know why they have to wear a mask,but they still wear it and I think it's very mature from their part.They act better than some adults,that's for sure!
